Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Imagine if a Sikh walked into a church and shot a handful of Christian people. The airwaves would be flooded with outrage. People would demand the border controls be tightened. State would begin racial profiling, (Oops, Arizona).

Now imagine a white man going in a Sikhs temple and shooting a handful of Sikhs. Wow, the silence is deafening.

In the former scenario, the Sikh gunman would immediatly be labelled a terrorist, in the latter, the white man just a criminal.

I wonder what type of weapon the white gunman used? Do NRA types sit at home choking their chickens, (that is a term for masterbating you inbred gun nuts), thinking about this? Do the gun nuts cum when their thoughts turn to the smell of cordite, blood and feces? How about the screaming and crying? Or do the truly intellectual nut jobs hold out until they imagine the grief of the families in the years to come?

Do the NRA meetings consist of heated arguments on which handgun is better fot shooting up temples?

What a truly fucked up country......Allan

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gun ownership.

I have not got one single problems with guns. I have shot 9mm pistols, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and once, a .50 cal heavy machine gun. Oh yeah, unfortunately also a 12 gauge shot gun. Ouch!

I have problems with gun owners. Let me clarify that, with gun owners that hoard guns. Fucking fanatical gun owners that would love, for some unfathomable reason, would like to see truck loads of guns for sale in vending machines or given away at Halloween.

These fuckheads cry 'Second Amendment" at the first whiff of gun control yet would silence,string up and lock up anyone foolish enough to disagree with them. So much for the "First Amendment" I wish the gun nuts would just list hat parts of their Constitution and Bill of Rights they want to  follow and what parts they want to use as toilette paper. It would clear things up immensely.

Regardless of what political party they claim to follow, they are all extremely right of center when it comes down to their guns. These Cartridge of the Month" members just don't see the heartbreak and mayhem  that can be laid at their own feet. Or, maybe they do and relish the agony! Who the fuck knows....Allan