Friday, April 15, 2011

Tax wealth, not work!

I don't know about you people, but I am sick and tired of being nickled and dimed to death. Everything, and I mean everything is costing more. I could bring up specifics but some one will point out  "it only went up .5 of a percent," or "6 cents a loaf". Sure, that by itself is nothing, bumkis Nada. But when every fucking aspect of life is costing more, it fucking adds up fast.

Then you read about huge corporation that pay less in taxes than you or I do and its a "What The Fuck" moment. Here in Canada, we have an east coast family that basically owns the maritime (Oil and gas) whose grandfather forces them to live outside of Canada to avoid paying taxes. Another WTF moment.

Jerks like me get bullied, pounded and yes raped, by Revenue Canada. I am a big man, I can get in a scrap with multiple opponents (used to) without any qualms, but I tremble, and even feel like crying a bit when dealing with Revenue Canada. That organization does its level best to keep the Blue Collar Worker down with Draconian tactics.

There has to be a fair tax system........What if there was a flat tax of say, 12%? across the board, treat big business as an entity/person and tax the same!

Wait, won't Big Business up and leave the country to a tax haven like Ireland? Yup, they would. In a heartbeat. That's when we use tariffs at the border to recoup our losses. Wait what about the loss of jobs when they leave? Yes there will by loss of jobs when they leave, but there is always job losses. (I worked 3 years for a  ship repair dry dock owned by the Right Dishonorable Paul Martin who laid me off just before every Xmas).
He then proceeded to get his ships built in China.

The present system supports the wealthy and big business. The powers do not want stability among the general populous, we are easier to control when we are in debt, sick and uneducated.

Things have to change.