Friday, February 25, 2011

Lame Canadian Government, Libyan crisis

Our lame, limp and ludicrous government sent a plane to Libya to pick up our citizens that need evacuation. It left empty. Our citizens are getting out of the country on allies planes and ships. Even if there was a communications screw up and no one was notified that an evacuation plane was available they should have took other nationals out of the country like other nations took Canadians out...This kind of crap should topple a government but the people here are lame and apathetic. Oh, they are sending another plane as I type.

retired Major General Lewis Mackenzie is speaking the party line like a good little robot. When that asswipe was a colonel he would have done right by his conscience, At one time the man was decent. Ever since he waded into the political waters he was de-nutted. I would add that he was muzzled but that would imply that he might of had an inclination to speak up, he clearly doesn't. He belongs on the wall of shame with another ass hat, General Boyle.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bad priorities

I follow a blog from the States, it is one of a few non-sailing blogs I follow. I won't post a link here until I get her permission.

She makes some great posts, some are cuttingly inciteful and some are her way of saying WTF is the media paying attention to this wh**e for.

One previouse blog shows how little rights and freedoms are allowed in the states, with only three comments, in which mine, a Canadian, was the longest and most outraged. Her readers seem to be above intelligent and more open minded than what we, the world, generally give Americans credit for. But man oh man, they just don't see what kind of pickle they have gotten themselves into while trying to become safe and secure. Some will give a line or two of lip service concerning rights and freedoms but that is it.

America used to be a bastion of democracy, but look at what its become. Isolationist, secular and totalitarian in all but name.  Sounds like half a dozen Middle Eastern countries, doesn't it?

Here is what I wrote; EB, I don't think you Americans (Including you EB, a lawyer)realize how much freedom you have given up in the name of security. That Freedom Act of yours looks like it came out of some banana dictatorships "How to be An Autocratic, Totalitarian Regime" handbook.

Your pre Patriot Act laws covered everything concerning terrorism. But now you guys can fuck yourselves over with impunity. Do you think the powers that be, and I include both parties here, will give up these powers? Not in your lifetime.

Your constitution is the most beautifully crafted document this world has ever seen and you are using it as toilet paper. Re-read it as a refresher, let its perfection flow over and through you, then weep at what it has become.

Fight to get it back.....Allan

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The local utility company's here in Ontario "Fuck You In Your Own Ass' Canada just got permission to charge more for their 'services'. On top of that they just received permission to increase our usage rates to compensate for their fines they received for overcharging interest rates on delinquent accounts.....Where the fuck is the sense in THAT?....Allan

See if I can post a link....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lip service, arrogent elected officials

Both our countries, America and Canada, are doing the world a huge disservice by putting incalculably obscene huge profits ahead of humanities future. We cater, no, cater is too soft of a word, we take corporations junk right up the behind and are told that if the corporation is healthy then we are through the trickle down effect. Bullshit! Up in Canada, a former finance minister by the name of Paul Martin told the country that tax cuts for the people were a bad, bad thing and we swallowed it, we then elected him Prime Minister. We just got a Harmonized sales Tax rammed down our throats, our electrical grid in Ontario is now privatized, and that did not work out so well in Nova Scotia, British Columbia and your own California, but did that stop it from happening? Nope! We are cutting back on noxious emission controls, by which our environmental watchdog had no teeth to enforce anyway. Why keep up the expensive pretense of being “green”?

One former Prime Minister, Brian Mulrooney, was recorded showing the most disdainful arrogence towards the citizens who elected him, calling us brainless sheep. (Not quite those words, but they'll do. And we are sheep. Our national police force, the much vaunted RCMP laid corruption charged against him while he was Prime Minister and he laid a 5 million dollar lawsuit on them. All charges were dropped. Do you realize how sure, how positive a cop would have to be to level such charges against a national leader? I would say very sure. But we the sheeple of Canada bought it. BTW, his German partner in crime was convicted and sentenced for bribery, but no recipient of the bribes were ever brought to justice. The next Prime Minister issued Brian Mulrooney The "Order of Canada", our highest honour towards heroes and outstanding citizenz. It is a worthless medallion now as far as I'm concerned.
Brian Mulrooney is the poster child for all that is wrong in todays politics.....Allan

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inacurate media reporting

No, this isn't about the failure of western media concerning Iraq and its WMDs, nor covering George Ws election "win" down in the States. It is about 4 stories that I have been involved in and how they were reported. 2 of them were direct involvement on my part, and 2 were second hand account. By second hand accounts I mean the persons involved told me what they were interviewed about and how it came out in the papers.

Be warned, my 2 stories have no social, moral nor economic impact on anything or anyone.

Story # 1;

Back in the day when I was a young sailor in the Canadian Navy, I attended an ant-nuclear rally in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada. we were protesting a nuclear carrier that came to port. (Note: i am not anti-American, I am anti-nuclear anything). There may have been 500 people attending with a smattering of applause here and there.

Well, I had to read the next days papers over and over to understand that they were talking about the same event that I attended. The rag reported that there were thousands in attendance with roaring applause. Go figure.

Story # 2;

We had a submarine commander who was a psycho, truly he was. I was not, nor ever have been a submariner but I had to do mechanical repairs on them from time to time.

So, one time I am replacing a cylinder and cylinder liner on one of its main engines. I had all the part from the head in a plastic box laid out in the walkway between the diesels. there is no room on a sub to put it anywhere else. This nutjob of a Commanding Officer comes storming through, screaming "Get this shit out of my way!" And gives my box of parts belonging to HIS engine into what passes for a bilge on a submarine.

He was brought up on abuse charge (Not for kicking engine parts), but for physically abusing his crew. Media made him look like a hepless, bullied victum of military protocol. Again, go figure.

First second hand story;

A friend father raised and trained dobermans for movies. You must have seen them, They were the dobermans in the movie "The Dobermann Gang", A bunch of bank robbing dobermans. The father also owned a camp site where he rented out cottages. Well, and this is trajic, a two year old child fell into a strem and was being swept away whe one of the dogs jumped in to save him. Dobermans are not retrievers, the animal tore the kids arm of and he died. Media went on how the dogs set upon the boy and tore him up. Not pretty for anyone involved.

Second second hand story;

I'm out of the Navy, working in a shipyard when we went on strike, or we were locked out, I can't remember which now. One of my co-worker was interview by a reported, the guy asked like a hundred questions...My co-worker that was interviewed di not, could not recognize the article the next day. It was not just distorted, it was totally fabricated.

That's all. What I learned is that I have to take whatever I hear or read with a huge grain of salt.

So, with the exception of the childs death, my stories are pretty vanilla but shows you that modern media in pure entertainment, not facts. So sad...Allan

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Doom and Gloom

Very interesting video, it is 20 minutes long and I borrowed it from It is worth a watch.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More on the Middle East

What I never even thought about the Egyptian Uprising is the effect of it on the neighbouring state, mainly Saudi Arabia. Could this turmoil have a domino effect? How secure would our oil supply be if the taps s9so to speak) were turned off? How soon would the west (us guys, the good guys) do something about it? can America stretch itself this far? Nope, she will have to let go of Iraq and/or Afghanistan. I would say Afghanistan as there are very few developed economic interests there. (Though apparently there might be a mass of mineral reserves ripe for the plucking). Tough call. $$$$$ or oil. The Ferengi, er, I mean, Yankee Traders have a tough choice.

Here is a good read on the situation: