I follow a blog from the States, it is one of a few non-sailing blogs I follow. I won't post a link here until I get her permission.
She makes some great posts, some are cuttingly inciteful and some are her way of saying WTF is the media paying attention to this wh**e for.
One previouse blog shows how little rights and freedoms are allowed in the states, with only three comments, in which mine, a Canadian, was the longest and most outraged. Her readers seem to be above intelligent and more open minded than what we, the world, generally give Americans credit for. But man oh man, they just don't see what kind of pickle they have gotten themselves into while trying to become safe and secure. Some will give a line or two of lip service concerning rights and freedoms but that is it.
America used to be a bastion of democracy, but look at what its become. Isolationist, secular and totalitarian in all but name. Sounds like half a dozen Middle Eastern countries, doesn't it?
Here is what I wrote; EB, I don't think you Americans (Including you EB, a lawyer)realize how much freedom you have given up in the name of security. That Freedom Act of yours looks like it came out of some banana dictatorships "How to be An Autocratic, Totalitarian Regime" handbook.
Your pre Patriot Act laws covered everything concerning terrorism. But now you guys can fuck yourselves over with impunity. Do you think the powers that be, and I include both parties here, will give up these powers? Not in your lifetime.
Your constitution is the most beautifully crafted document this world has ever seen and you are using it as toilet paper. Re-read it as a refresher, let its perfection flow over and through you, then weep at what it has become.
Fight to get it back.....Allan
1 comment:
You need to add a blogroll, Alan.
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