Sunday, January 30, 2011

I need this rant.

Good morning, politics ain't my bag, sailing and boats are but I will not sully my sailing blog with crap from the world. But I do need to vent.

To start, I wish to inform you that all opinions expressed here, whether they are right or wrong, are my own. Feel free to comment in a civil manner. I will always be civil, flamers will not be welcome at all.

Let's start off with the obvious; The Middle East! Wow! I am not sure what started it all, but an Autocratic President sure didn't help matters. They are trying to block the Internet so it won't spread. Good luck trying to unring that bell! How can any government isolate a satellite connection these days? It probably can be done since I think it can't.

I am uncomfortable with this unrest in the Middle East because of its is NOT driven by religious ideology for once. I understand religious differences, I can live with religious differences, I can survive religious differences.

Dammitall when a group goes off track completely and heads in a different direction. How does one deal with that?

More later......Allan


One Fly said...

What group?

I like the Ferengi better than the worfers.

Allan S said...

I am not advocating war over profit, but going after profit with no thought of consequences can have very long term, even terminal consequences for this planet. And no, I am not a communist, or greenpeacer. I am just a guy who sees bad things snowballing into worse things and haven't a clue what to do about it....Allan