Friday, February 25, 2011

Lame Canadian Government, Libyan crisis

Our lame, limp and ludicrous government sent a plane to Libya to pick up our citizens that need evacuation. It left empty. Our citizens are getting out of the country on allies planes and ships. Even if there was a communications screw up and no one was notified that an evacuation plane was available they should have took other nationals out of the country like other nations took Canadians out...This kind of crap should topple a government but the people here are lame and apathetic. Oh, they are sending another plane as I type.

retired Major General Lewis Mackenzie is speaking the party line like a good little robot. When that asswipe was a colonel he would have done right by his conscience, At one time the man was decent. Ever since he waded into the political waters he was de-nutted. I would add that he was muzzled but that would imply that he might of had an inclination to speak up, he clearly doesn't. He belongs on the wall of shame with another ass hat, General Boyle.

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